Core Stuff of the Christian Faith
God effects everything. Life. Hope. Values. Purpose. Lifestyle. Relationships. But what do we know about God? And how do we know it?
The Core Stuff series offers:
Many years ago, a miracle occurred on a stormy weekend in Perth WA - Geoff’s Core Stuff series was finally recorded! Refined through camps and outreaches for teens and adults, this is the Core Stuff that people need to know in order to decide to follow Jesus. Many have made that decision based on this material, because it squares with reality. This is unflashy, low-budget, old school, unedited with mistakes... but Geoff’s Aussie style communicates eternal truths.
3. OnePager, to quickly find-&-zoom in on the details you want, download this single page of notes on the Core Stuff.
Ten 5-minute vids can help you find your way around it. |