I'm well overdue for an update on Cheers Neighbours’ Network. Plans about whose auspices Cheers come under have changed since last time (long story), but there is light on the horizon maybe with Worldview Aus who I now work for. WVA is still finding its organisational feet, and there's no urgency, but it's good to have insurance, childsafe training etc. And the connection between Cheers & Worldview Australia is strong as ever.
Q: How “Christian” should our participation in politics and government be? A: As with any other part of life. (How Christianly should we do business, play footy, do our work!) And we care about policies because policies impact people - to help, hurt, or harm. And increasingly, policies are impacting people's moral-spiritual-religious lives, as well as their secular lives, creating increasing harm to both. The more government intervenes outside its mandate, and into the totality of people's worldviews, the more it is our civic and Christian duty to be informed and influential. Q: But some say, since Australia is a "Secular Democracy," shouldn’t Christians stay out of it? A: I say no, every citizen is allowed to participate, including us. And in fact, with a Christian moral reference point, we especially should be involved. Alert: If you think “Secular Democracy” excludes religions, you've swallowed the wrong definition… Q: What do we mean by, "Secular Democracy"? Atheist activism? Or, a general Biblical reference point? A1: What some mean by Secular Democracy... Some say that Secular means, “no worldviews allowed that include God,” which only leaves atheism as the remaining worldview. And they say that Democracy means, “the people decide according to the numbers,” whether by better organising or tactics to get those numbers of power. Plainly put, government participation should be exclusively for practical atheists, elected according to the weight of numbers. Those who use this meaning include secular humanists, communists, various victim-identity-politics activists. They misuse words about "separation of church and state," and falsely say government schools & agencies are "not allowed to talk about religion." For them God’s ways are repressive. For them freedom means permission to do whatever the self wants whether it harms people or not. They outlaw disagreeing views, eject dissenters, and advance policy by pressure, not persuasion. Lip service is given to debating the facts, but in practice when they gain power they tend to push their policies through using ridicule, and avoid rational debate, preferring Kirk & Madsen’s approach of “Desensitise, Jam, Convert.” It is power by activism, which is why such worldviews are so big on taking over unions and lobbying. A2: What our Constitution means by "Secular Democracy"... At Federation in 1901, Australia’s founders held that Secular meant anyone can participate, and government is not to be connected to a particular religious institution, which basically meant you could participate whether Catholic or Anglican, and no church institution was to govern. Democracy meant a morally literate public deciding within the parameters of a Biblical reference point. Plainly put, government participation is inclusively open to anyone, elected according to good reasons within the moral bounds of a Biblical reference point. A Biblical reference point was seen as a good safeguard against the social decline that could occur without it. This safeguard was not by institutional totalitarianism, but by calling for personal responsibility to God and one’s fellow man. It was widely understood that a personal relationship with God through Christ was the most effective way to become such a responsible person, but Christianity itself also maintains that this faith is to be free, not forced. Therefore the Biblical reference point also safeguarded freedom itself within democracy. Forced conversions are prevented by Biblical Christianity. So fears of a Christian takeover are unfounded and actually best allayed by Christianity itself. And governments find their particular limited authority under God, for law and order, protection, fair organisation and services. Churches find their different scope of authority under God in the spiritual and Biblical compass they help people find. Business bosses are limited to the scope of their businesses. Parents have responsibilities for their families. And individuals for their beliefs and lifestyles. Doesn’t this sound much more sane, than the chaotic over-reaching we have now! Unsurprisingly the Biblical worldview so often represents the sensible centre because it seeks to align with reality - natural law, the Creator’s manual. It separates powers, safeguards freedoms, and is utterly worthy of our collective agreement as our common, good reference point. Everyone should be able to get behind this kind of Secular Democracy. Remember, this is not some wishful interpretation, it's the view of the founders of Australian Federation. This is the intent of the Constitution. Not the twisted redefinition of atheist activists. So we should learn to articulate and advocate for this founding definition. Q: So which definition of Secular Democracy should we use? A: Inclusive participation in Biblically literate, reasoned, decision-making, with separated powers.
If you have not been before, come suss out a Momentum. And if you have been before, you’ll want your friends to hear this info. Ask to be on the mailing list for dates, or check my diary here. You can arrange to host a Momentum near you. That’s how we hope to build, well, momentum. Next March's WA elections, equip yourself to vote Christianly - for Biblical values. Two tips you should know:
Christianity without Christ is just "Ianity" - and who the heck is "Ian" compared with Jesus?! Or more to the point, who am "I" compared with Jesus! In February I'll attend the ARC Forum (Alliance of Responsible Citizenship). I fully agree with ARC that cross-disciplinary cooperatives are necessary to find solutions to Western decline. And that we need to re-inspire Western citizens with Judaeo-Christian values such as personal responsibility, reward for effort, and community. But ARC will ultimately only be successful in restoring human flourishing to the degree that citizens actually submit to the Christ who in-Spires those values into practice. 1. We need Jesus, not self. The Bible warns about "those having a form of godliness but denying its power" (2Tim3:5). Because such would be a counterfeit Christianity - it may look like Christianity but if it ignores Christ it is not. It's really just "I-anity" inevitably devolving into self-righteousness (legalistic or licentious), as our fallen self decides how to apply Christ's values. Without Christ, self rules under Christian terminology. We've already had too much of that in the West. Such hypocrisy obscures the Church and derails Western civilization with it. I confess I can see the danger of such nominal Christianity or I-anity in my circles, where we teach (rightly!) that Judaeo-Christian values, even the Bible itself, is the best values-set on which to build civilization. I teach world-views-from-a-Biblical-foundation. But I must also teach that people need the Person of Jesus even more than the values of Jesus. That's because the Person inspires the values. Jesus transforms the heart of a person to seek God's righteousness not self-righteousness. In fact if we truly had His values, we would know there's a spiritual dimension into which we must be reborn - consider Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus (John 3. All of John for that matter.) We know we can't have that Spiritual Life without Jesus! We need to listen to Christ Himself who prompts & empowers us to follow His values His way in our particular contexts. We need to be in-Spired by Christ's Spirit-in-us, His spiritual life in us. That's when we may we see His fruit in our lives.
2. We need Jesus in all sectors. Furthermore, to counteract the self corroding everything we do, we need Christ's inSpiration in all other spheres of life as well. Christ gives the Spirit necessary to flourish. Life is spiritual, so the spiritual aspect should not be ignored but integrated throughout all disciplines. For example, law-enforcer Jamie Winship sought the LORD's inspiration to solve his caseload of crimes. His rate of solving cases soon stood out, because apparently Jesus knows a fair bit about what's really going on in the world! Likewise, whatever our sector, we must humble our selves, die to self. "And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who lives in you." (Rom8:12). Then we can listen to Jesus and do what He says. Be led by the Spirit (Galatians 5.) That's what, or Who, led to the best, the most Christ-like, of Western Civilization. The secret to Western flourishing was (& still is) Christ. A spiritual blessing was at play. And now the West is declining as Western leaders and people have rejected Christ for I-anity. Someone once said, "everybody wants our ponies, but nobody wants our Stud." It is Christ who can again inSpire real response-able citizenship - where leaders and citizens are able-to-respond to Jesus' inSpiration towards Christlikeness. Only He knows the big picture, He knows how to weave together the good and bad intentions into a whole history. And how to raise the governments constituents deserve (Romans 13.) Yes, we must engage rigorously & cooperatively in & across all sectors. Work is part of the Garden of Eden. Indeed such work is also part of Jesus' values - He mandated his followers to "go into all the world." And all the world includes all the spheres:
But also, within our rigorous involvement in all the world, we are to have a particular spiritual influence: "make disciples..." That is, help others become Jesus-followers, with His Life in them too. In all the world's spheres there are people, and people need the spiritual life that only Jesus gives. As we go in all these spheres, we are not only to influence with Jesus' values, but to introduce people to Jesus Himself! And whenever they come to that new spiritual life, connecting directly with Jesus, that's what ultimately makes for truly response-able citizens - people led by Jesus to influence the world in ways that fruit in Christ-ianity, not mere I-anity. So don't restrict Jesus to the "Religious sphere." The Life is needed in every sphere. Ignoring this will only frustrate our own efforts to flourish. Anyone, anywhere, in any sphere, turn from self to Him, Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6).
May every person to submit to Jesus, and grow in Christlike influence - as He leads and empowers. Such awakening and submission will bring blessing, flourishing, in more of the world's many spheres... until He comes.
I wrote this response to articles in The Weekend Australian (2/3/2024) addressing the problem of Australia’s lack of a common reference point.
Well done, Paul Kelly and Greg Sheridan for raising this core issue - which Australian public discourse has been avoiding since WW2 - What is Australia’s agreed reference point, for legislation and politics, public life, and private enterprise? They wrote that our lack of this reference point results in fragmentation, culture wars, victim-entitlement, and a lack of investment confidence. I agree. But let’s take the next step and identify the most obvious solution. Somebody has to say it: let’s officially nominate the Bible as Australia‘s reference point for national policy. Make it our moral compass when deciding laws, values, government processes. Morality is what societies’ laws are all about - what’s good & bad, allowable & not. But which moral set are we using? And why that set? There is a stronger case for the Bible than for any other moral code.
What if we discussed up to a referendum on that! Jan 2022 - Just after our second successful running of the Worldview Australia youth leadership camp, COVID19 vaccination restrictions took effect in WA, and the organisation under whose auspices Cheers began insisted that Cheers attendees be vaccinated. But our Cheers attendees were determined to maintain full respect for each others' decisions on the matter, and so, not wishing to impose one way, nor wishing to put the organisation at risk, Cheers people chose the third way - to step out from the organisation's auspices. (This turned out fortuitously for us in that we were unaffected by upheavals in that organisation a year later.) So Cheers was without an auspice, insurance, finances, governance, for about a year, while OAC Ministries examined whether we fit their criteria of an outreach and/or church ministry, and how auspicing us might work in practice. Since the community hall is not available to us without an organisational identity, we continued to meet in all-age gatherings at two homes. Bible-based, active learning, & relationships, continue well. During the year, we chose to not run a youth or kids program undertaking duty-of-care for minors, and this was opportune since most of our youth had just graduated into young-adulthood, and the few left were keen to check out other churches' youth groups. The young adults kept meeting and have seen some evangelistic fruit from their Bible-centred home meetings. Over summer they, with a larger group of peer volunteers, helped run the third annual Worldview Australia camp, and also the successful first term of Worldview Bites lectures, where again we have seen people shift from agnosticism to trusting Jesus. Praise the LORD. Thus 2022 was our only year without a family camp (apart from the 2020 covid lockdown), but April 22 fortuitously coincided with our daughter's wedding which meant we had our hands full anyway, and also provided a great celebration for Cheers people as well. The nexus between Cheers and Worldview developed further again this Easter, with the first ever Worldview Australia Family Camp, which was in fact a rework of our annual Cheers family camp, which had run annually under the auspices of our previous organisation since 2003. It was promoted as usual among those connected with Cheers, and followed our familiar format of input, rest and input. But it was also opened further to people around Worldview Australia, families of attendees and their connections. So the input aligned with the Worldview outline: "What we mean, How we know its true, and What Difference it makes," (but of course with less content & processes.) I provided that input in the morning with Core Stuff for kids, and family activities done together. In the evenings Darren & Kathryn Birch ran sessions from Nehemiah specifically about rebuilding families - & relationships in general. So Cheers Neighbours Network is set to come under the auspices of OAC Ministries, and continues to bear witness to Christ, as yet another way of doing and developing outreach and church ministries.
![]() During 2021 we did have family camp, on the theme of Hearing God. We built in family times to train, including times of solitude and silent listening for the inner promptings of the Holy Spirit. We were all met. And about 40 people got to know each other better around the attractions of Busso. During the year we were able to continue meeting with youth on Fridays, the Art club, various small groups, and continued our regular meeting together at the community hall. Gathering around the Gospel of John has been spiritually eye-opening - every chapter has more to say about how we should see spiritually. This isn't easy when our cultural default is materialism. We also found each section to have very specific implications, as if we had rigged the section to fit the circumstances, but the 12 month schedule had been planned mid year. God just knows what he's doing. It's our job to listen and do. A core team of young adults joined OAC in delivering the Worldview Australia camp in January. Another big success, and as we tune in it seems the Lord wants to duplicate the ministry with many young people interested in stepping in to various directing roles to enable another camp to begin elsewhere midyear. So we're working on that now. It's now 12 months into the pandemic, and we've been fairly protected here in Western Australia. With the first lockdown, Cheers transitioned fairly well into Cell Church mode, using digital tech to relieve the isolated, and our usual small group discussion format to keep Biblically centred. After lockdown, - the young adults settled into 4 groups - our teens re-gathered quickly - Church 247 met on alternate weeks in Home Groups, and gathered in the Community Hall as able. Confidence? Adults were less confident to lead Home Groups than I'd hoped. It's not so difficult to run a small group, especially when compared with meetings and other responsibilities they conduct at work, and they have all they need in terms of knowledge, skills and tools, yet most still seem bluffed by leading a small group around the Bible. Not sure what to do about that, but press on. However it does show the importance of training young people who seem to be more likely to learn and do the stuff. Outflow During the year some of our young adults married and moved to the country, taking their training with them and we're cheering for them, confident that they will find ways to bless and benefit their new part of the world with the Gospel. Others have done this in the past, and more are set to do so in the next year or so. We pray this outflow will result in multiplied mission.
Biblical Feasts summary Feasts are more than just great times. They bind communities together around shared concepts and experiences in common. Like a wedding feast celebrates around our common support of the union of these people. Likewise the feasts that God instructs his people to observe, bind them together too, around concepts core to their identity. And because these core concepts are fulfilled in Jesus, they are also about our identity too. Due to our communion services, many of us already know how Passover relates to our life in Christ (the prophesied Messiah). Likewise, so do the other Feasts of the LORD, instituted in Lev23:1-44. Num29:12-34. Deut14-16.
1) Christ is the spotless Passover lamb, whose blood saved us from death, and from slavery to sin. 2) Christ is the Unleavened Bread, broken, wrapped, and buried to return later. 3) Christ is the First Fruits of the resurrection. 4) Christ's Spirit is given at Pentecost /Feast of Weeks /Second Harvest, to gather Gentile believers as a second harvest. 5) Christ's return announced with Trumpets, will begin the new age to come. 6) Christ our Atonement will cover us when he Judges this mixed up world. 7) Christ Tabernacles with us now by his Spirit, but will dwell with us in the Heavenly feasting to come. Although Christians don't have to observe these feasts, we can celebrate that Israel's core Scriptural feasts are fulfilled by the Messiah who grafts us in to His Story. Thus these feasts can bind us together deeply. New Life Church in Fremantle made these cards about Christ in the Calendar of feasts. I added the 8th.
2) Noel had a way of dignifying normal life. We college boarders saw each others’ bad hair days, and once Noel asked my friend for a razor to shave because he’d left his at home. He was not embarrassed because he was genuinely humble. He knew that his little moments were just as significant as his global work. His gracious attitude was the same in all circumstances, everything was a gift from Christ. From the podium to the kitchen he was Christ's grateful servant. This inspired the community with integrity from top to bottom. Lk16:10 faithful in little things
3) Noel kept Christ at the centre of the community. Without this, communities inevitably drift. But Noel’s communities stayed true. He would often remind us that the college was to teach us to “think theologically,” because through Scripture we get to know Christ. Noel knew both intimately, which is why often you could tell he was led by the Spirit to say just the right thing, to have that gracious humility, to love that enlivening way. If everyone bathed in the Word and the Spirit like that, counselling services would become redundant. Eph5:26 washed with the word Each house at this school has a theme, Courage, Character, Compassion, and that of Vose house is Community. This might surprise if you only knew Dr GN Vose from his Wiki page, looking at all his academic achievements and the Theological College he started. But that College was a Vose-like - no, Christ-like - community. It pulled people together. And I’ll warrant that same enthusiastic community was a hallmark of Noel's presidency of the Australian Baptist Union, and then of the Baptist World Alliance: he pulled people together. Noel regenerated discussions between Baptists and Mennonites in a way that hadn't happened since 1630! He planted a new church at 70! Community was his legacy. Back then we used to tease him about being "The Pope of the Baptists.” But he kind of was - in the best sense of “papa,” building up all of us who came to orbit around his truly Christian community. ![]() Don't Squander Your Chance For many this forced layoff is a chance to reset our priorities and activities. The decks have been cleared for us. So what shall we do with this time? First thought: have a rest! Yessss!!! Watch some movies, read some books, sleep longer…. Maybe get some jobs done, clean up, sort out… But after you’ve caught up, then what? Well, what do you consider most important after all? Now is a great chance to start doing what you really deep down want to do. How about these top five practices for life: 5) Be generous with toilet rolls. If we don't share when we have, who can we ask when we need? 4) Spend quality time with the people in your household. Don't be isolated in your screens, make time to reconnect. Have dinner around the table; ask "what do you thank God for today?"; play a board game; do some craft; a jigsaw… google family fun ideas. 3) Reconnect with extended family and friends via calls or videolink. 2) Re-introduce yourself to God. Actually pray. Get to know him better. Day by day. (We can help with Core Stuff, and the Bookmark of HPOWER). 1) Meet for prayer, care and sharing around the Bible, in groups of 3-6, via videolinks if necessary, to actively grow in the Spirit, and share the love with others. (Cheers can help with this, and get you BOPping!) This virus, now, is an opportunity for humanity to turn back to God. Let’s take it. As Ferris Beuler famously said, Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it. What is Cheers doing during the CV19 lockdown? Meeting in cells of 3-6 in homes, (digital attendance is also ok as long as it is person to person interaction, not anonymous viewing.) In some ways we’ve been doing groups of 3-6 for years whenever we gather around the word. Now we just have to do it at home. You’re welcome to look through our crash course summary on how we provide a balanced diet in the groups with a simple bookmark. We call it the Bookmark Of Power (BOP). We see the CV19 lock-in as being in solidarity with Christians in China who can’t meet in groups bigger than 5, so when they hit 6 it is time to split, and by then both triplets need to have someone who can lead. Thus it empowers and multiplies - it disciples. I can see why God might want to equip us all in such a way. So let's make the most of this time. Perhaps our BOPs will work for you in your own circles. Here's youtube's Cheers Playlist for the CV19 lock-in.
Keep Moving Forward is morphing to Keep Moving Closer. During the year we continued working to empower our people to follow Jesus in helping others follow Jesus too. The teenagers and young adults seem most able to adapt, develop, and try new things. In third term two pilot groups started. - A pilot youth group in Ellenbrook proved too difficult to sustain... - The new "Rookies" group for upper primary schoolers is kicking on into the new year led by three young people. - A new 18+ group looks ready to commence this term as well, led by a handful of young people. [Update: The Shed has established itself well this year. ] In both instances they will continue to use simple tools featured in BOOST training. ![]() At Camp in April 2019, Cheers focussed all the more on not just moving forward in mission, but moving closer in relationship. Using games, objects, and clips from the movie Epic, Geoff illustrated the book of Philippians during all-age “Family Times” after breakfast. Teens+adults dug deeper after younger ones’ bedtime. The Way is a Person, His death and resurrection, His Way of discipling, His Spirit, and His Body. The Pathway is a Person! Human nature makes it too easy to turn love into a task, mission into a method. We want to have our love with Jesus motivating and overflowing into spirit-led action. We want to be led by his Spirit, not merely our conscience. So Cheers 247 continues to focus on the books of the Bible (using thebibleproject.com), where they fit in the big picture, and what the Spirit is saying to us through them. The repeating themes include the Gospel which is that we are given righteousness, the Goal of which is growing relationships. And our young people are putting themselves in lead situations where they have to rely on God more - they keep moving closer. And so we remain hopeful that we will eventually (pray soon) multiply outwards to bless and benefit Banksia Grove and beyond. ![]() The theme for 2018's Banksia Grove Family Camp was "Through Heaven's Eyes." Using this graphic and the movie Prince of Egypt we learned that through Heaven's Eyes we can see: WHOLE truth, with our heart, mind, soul, strength, not just a selfish fragment; WORTH of people; WONDERS of God all around us; WORLD history as HIStory. ![]() Families worked together on: a family crest (depicting your family values heart, mind, soul, strength); sock doorstops for each valued family member; white-crayon paintings showing where God is at work perhaps unseen; and a 7-Color Story booklet showing the arc of all good stories, of the Gospel, and of Biblical/World History. As usual Camp was a great boost for the relationships between families, between family members, and between us and God. This year saw the further development of about 8 high quality young adults, developed at Cheers, now taking on much of the responsibilities that make camp run. This made it that much easier for all concerned. The same young adults also are playing various roles in delivering BOOST to other young people. They are advancing along The Pathway. Last year we were joined by a gentle soul with a true prophetic gift, having died, visited, and returned from heaven. We were just beginning our study of Revelation, and she could confirm numerous aspects of it for us. So unassuming, she's a real blessing. Also, early this year we had a new family move in to the neighbourhood with a fully functional Christian mum & dad. Sadly that's a rarity where we live, and we are thanking God that they've thrown their lot in with us.
We continue to look to God for the nooks and crannies to bless and benefit Banksia Grove and beyond. The life in this movement is wonderful to be a part of. We continue to work and pray for open hearts with whom to share the Gospel of Jesus, and for some of our trainees who are becoming trainers to launch and multiply elsewhere what God is doing here. ![]() Looking back so far this year... Church 247 continues Sunday afternoons at the Banksia Grove community Centre. It has settled into a routine based on Discovery Bible Study, Looking Back (did you do what you said you would last time?) Looking Up (prayer, worship, Bible Study, listening for what God is saying to us), Looking Forward (planning to obey that word, community announcements, engaging with the neighbourhood). We've worked through Mark, now a series on varieties of mission (including doing Clean Up Day and Tree Day in our time slot), and look likely to tackle Revelation in term 4. ![]() Cheers' Family Camp theme was Hearty Times, appreciating the role of various emotions, based on the Bible, using the movie Inside Out. We learned that:
From J-Walkers to J-Workers. Building from last year's theme, Keep Moving Forward, we have been training the young people forward along a pathway toward leadership and mission. They are no longer just Walking with Jesus, they are also Working with Jesus - J-Workers. They run their own studies, help run Church 247, get involved in blessing and benefiting their neighbourhoods, schools, and workplaces. They are now beginning to step into camp leadership roles. This training is open to all ages, but it is mostly young adults attending - and growing forward. This is where BOOST is beta tested. Previous Cheers logs back to the beginnings in 2003 can be found here. |
December 2024